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AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO UNIVERSITARIA MEYER, SANT’ANNA school and UNIVERSITy of florence signed partnership agreement for research, education and training: rector SABINA NUTI: "we offer continuing education programs in the health professions”

Publication date: 05.12.2019
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Research, continuing education and training to provide the highest quality care for children. On October 28, Sant’Anna School Rector Sabina Nuti, University of Florence Rector Luigi Dei and Alberto Zanobini Director General of the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer,  signed a partnership agreement for an educational platform enabling health professionals in the pediatric disciplines to become lifelong learners and provide the highest quality care for children.

By promoting faculty development, mentoring programs and continuing health care education, the partners will coordinate training programs delivery across various disciplines to fulfill the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer’s educational missions and strategies.

“This partnership provides a basis for continuity in regional agreements – said Director General Alberto Zanobini – We are happy we have agreed with the “Sant’Anna School for Children” and the University of Florence to identify teaching formats including interactive presentations and panel discussions among participants and faculty. During the implementation period, they will jointly ensure that the curricula meet the appropriate educational objectives”.

“Sant’Anna School, the University of Florence and the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer renew their close ties in the field of scientific cooperation – said Rector Sabina Nuti – Pisa and Florence universities occupy a special place in the Tuscany scientific ecosystem. This partnership explores new ways to share experiences and expertise, as well as possibilities to collaborate in future medical education endeavors”.

“The purpose of this partnership is to highlight the major role the universities play in research and innovation, emphasizing in particular the close link we enjoy with the Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer community in Florence – said Rector Luigi Dei. We express our two higher education institutions’ commitment to broaden the scientific scope of our partnership with a view to interdisciplinary and continuing cooperation”.

Cover photo: from left to right - Luigi Dei, Alberto Zanobini and Sabina Nuti sign the agreement.